Classic Transfers Community Forums Recent Posts Forums Main Category Ordering on the web... Problems Ordering Notifications Clear all Problems Ordering Ordering on the website Last Post by Adam Wilson 3 years ago 1 Posts 1 Users 0 Reactions 589 Views RSS Adam Wilson (@09wilsonad) Posts: 15 Member Admin Topic starter Sometimes when trying to order with the correct payment details you may undergo a Fraud screening test which is carried out by your bank, called 3D Secure. When you enter your card information, Sage then directs to your bank to ask for authentication, usually at this point your bank will ask you for OTP, a “One-Time Password” which is randomly generated and sent to your registered mobile number or registered email address for validation of your transaction. This is to provide an enhanced level of security on card transactions online. If this isn’t the issue, please make sure that you select the right card type before entering your information. As clicking ‘VISA’ for a VISA Debit card won’t work. It has to be ‘ VISA Debit’. 3D Secure Explained The 3d Secure authentication is an additional fraud prevention scheme that is available to all companies using the Opayo systems to process transactions. It allows shoppers to create and assign a password to their card that is then verified whenever a transaction is processed through a site that supports the use of the scheme. The addition of password protection allows extra security on transactions that are processed online. 3D Secure stands for 3 Domain Server, there are 3 parties that are involved in the 3D Secure process : The company the purchase is being made from. The Acquiring Bank (the bank of the company) VISA and MasterCard (the card issuers themselves) The scheme is a collective of Verified by VISA (VBV) and MasterCard Secure Code (MSC). It is the most recent fraud prevention initiative that is available at the moment. 3D Secure is also the only fraud prevention scheme that is available that offers companies liability cover for transactions that are verified by the checks. This provides additional protection to companies using the scheme as opposed to those that do not. What cards can be accepted through 3D Secure? As 3D Secure is controlled by VISA and MasterCard the following cards can be used : VISA, VISA DELTA, MASTERCARD, MASTERCARD DEBIT, INTERNATIONAL MAESTRO, UK MAESTRO, LASER, and VISA ELECTRON. What are the benefits of using 3D Secure? Liability Shift : The main benefit to companies using the 3D Secure scheme is the availability of a liability shift for a successfully verified transaction. This offers protection by the card issuers against chargebacks as the liability is assumed. Note : Vendors will need to confirm with their merchant bank for exact terms on liability shifts. No extra cost : There are no extra costs to add 3D Secure onto your Opayo account. Your acquiring bank may charge to add this onto your merchant number however you may also find that your transaction charges lower as a result of using 3D Secure. Easy to set up and control : The set-up of the 3D Secure scheme is controlled within your My Opayo administration area along with the option of setting custom rules to automatically validate cards registered with 3D Secure. Are there any limitations of using this? Chargebacks can still occur : Fully authenticated 3D Secure transactions do not guarantee a liability shift, this is decided on the discretion of your merchant bank. Not all cards are part of the scheme : At the moment there are no similar initiatives for JCB or Diner’s club cards. Posted : 01/03/2022 1:23 pm Topic Tags Payment processing Card Payments Fraud Screening Share: